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Just an ordinary girl who enjoys cooking, baking, reading and traveling. Feel free to visit my blogshop at: heartbeatchoc.blogspot.com Happy reading!


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Friday, June 10, 2011

that's enough k!

haish,, igtkan dah boleh la hidup senang lenang..tapi ade lg makhluk Allah ni kacau idup aku..
hm...plz,,jgn libatkan aku dgn masalah ko ng that girl ok! 
aku nk berkawan ng ko pn ko dah patut bersyukur..tlg la,,,dah2 la tue.
aku taknak tau la pasal korg... padan ng muka ko,,mane la ade pompuan sggup kena tipu macam tu skli.. aku je yg byk sgt bersabar ng ko.. dah! malas nk cakap, ko bukan faham bahasa pn, 
aku doakan Ko berubah satu hari nnt.. Aminnn 
mode: malas aku nk pk pasal org mcm ko,, masalah ko, ko settle sndri k!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


hye! dah lama x update blog. quite busy lately..
not much going on actually..
hm,,someone (u know who u're) did asked me nape brani sgt citer bout love kat blog..
hehe actually, bg aku ble prasaan tgh x stabil, we need someone to talk to,and tell them bout ya feeling,,,over and over again.. yeah, i just don't feel right to keep on burden my frens to hear bout my love story which is MEMBOSANKAN hahaa so,, forgive me if u feel uncomfortable.. =) 
oh,, aku skrg dh kemaruk nk tgk citer Nora elena (damn it!) hahaha tp kat cni mmg xde masalah sgt nk tgk citer elena tu since waktu solat kat cni awal (jangan jeles ye =p) 
but, u know what? I still dun get it why those girls are sooo in love with seth tan.. as for me, he's not that sweet. (ya! ya! ya!) aku lebih suka watak adam dlm citer adam maya..(Gosh, that kind of men never exist!!)
oh, citer novel suka sgt bagi gambaran yg indah2 je.. soo like fairy tale.huh!anyway, citer tu not bad,, n pelakon die pn best. so, layan je la.. awak taknak ketinggalan kan,,, nnt ble org citer pasal drama nora elena, xde la awak ternganga sambil dlm ati ckp: 'benda ape la dorg citer ni" hahaha

Friday, June 3, 2011

20 things guys shouldn't ever do to girls..(cont..)

  1. talk to us about ur exes.. if u're saying nice stuff, we'll assume u still like them, if u say shit, we'll assume you'll do the same about us
  2. say shit behind our back. no matter how much u try to keep it a secret, we will hear about it
  3. be a dick to her in front of our friends.they might think it's funny, but we'll definitely not.
  4. try to make it look like something was our fault., to get urself out of trouble. it will make things much, much worse.
  5. ask why we mad at u. say u were wrong and apologize. do not say u didn't do anything wrong. if we're mad, u obviously did something.
  6. joke about wanting to break up. it won't be taken as a joke, and u'll be single before u can tell us u were kidding..(err,,i'm not very sure bout this, coz i'm not dat type of person..ha.ha.ha)
  7. tell us that we're overreacting. (if u thought i was mad before, prepare to meet me-beast from hell.. hahhaha (evil laugh))
  8. go to parties or hang out with other girls without us. no matter how much we trust u, we'll be worried.. (dat's so true, but i don't really enjoy the party except for the makan part..heheheh)
  9. make excuses. if u screwed up, don't try to get out of it.
  10. talk to us when u're mad. u'll screw something up and end up regreting it..(absolutely right! huhu)

so, guys, think before u do something. never take us for granted, ok! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

nora elena..

mula2 x bik port la sgt sal drama ni..tp disbbkan byk sgt feedback yg ckp citer ni best, so..aku pn pegi la download citer ni..
so far,mcm not bad. tp aku br tgk episod 1 je.hahaha =p
so,sape2 yg dah terlepas byk episod Drama Nora elena ni, leh la tgk kat cni ek  (sini! sini!klik sini!)
hehe enjoY k! 

selamat malam, sayang..

haha!! tetibe terigt lagu selamat malam by Faizal tahir.. actually aku terigt2 suara member aku nyanyi lagu ni.. seDAp beb! seyes,, terbuai2 kalo dgr die bawak lagu ni..hish..bergetar jantung dibuatnye..
hari ni lmbt sket nk update blog, since lot of thgs need to be settle,, tolong ayah kat luar rumah..pastu tolong mak lak.. haha 
hari ni masak lauk simple je, ayam goreng, ikan masin+nanas masak lemak, pastu sayur.. settle! xsmpi stgh jam siap masak..dah tu,, sbb bosan sgt,, aku buat bun..
hajat di hati, nk buat  bun inti kacang merah (lebih yg aku buat last week).. skali bukak2 bekas tu, dah berkulat sbb lupe nk simpan dlm fridge ='( 
disbbkan doh dah buat, kne teruskan gak la..so aku buat inti kelapa je.. belasah la laBu..janji ade..hehe
so.,.dinner td makan bun je la..sbb kitorg mmg x mkn nasik utk dinner..diet! =p

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

20 things guys shouldn't ever do to girls

  1. make fun of our hair, face, body, or clothes. Seriously, DON'T!
  2. Overuse sarcasm. It's one thing to joke, it's another to speak sarcasm as a second language
  3. Flirt with other girls. It doesn't make us want you more, it will just makes us angry
  4. Say " I LOVE YOU" when you don't mean it. 
  5. Cheat. NEVER in any way will you GET AWAY with it.
  6. Make promises they can't keep. If u can't follow through, don't say it.
  7. Lie. You will get caught. Don't ever under any circumstances try to keep a lie going with us. It WILL NOT work.
  8. Deny things that are true. If we confronts u about somethg, we'll know the truth. Denying it makes us more angry. 
  9. Pressure us. If we want to do something with u, WE WILL!
  10. Talk about other girls. Don't say they're hot, pretty, or even nice. WE don't want to hear it.

 haha so guys, BEWARE k! To be continue,,heehe

no more sad stories??

i can't promise u that..hehe
ok..ok.. x buat dah entry sedey2..at least minggu ni eh...okayyy!
i'll try,,hehe

tadi ade org ajak aku jadik bini no.2 die..hahaha
klakar okayy!
tak nak aku jd bini no.2,, bini no satu best sket.. biase papehal, mst si laki akn realize yg his first wife la yg terbaik..
lgpn dlm citer kat tv, biase 2nd wife mengade2..nak itu ini...
hish, x mo la jadi bini yg mcm tu..hahaha
aku nk jadi isteri mithali yg di sayangi si suami yg jugak mithali
ceeewah!! haha
haha utk awk,, cukup2 la sorg..haha (p/s sy tau awak gurau..haha)

sebenarny, aku pn tak plan nak kawin lg.. bukan takde org datang melamar,, tp tu la..x terbukak lagi pintu hati..oppss! aku tak memilih k.. ade org ckp aku yg jual mahal sgt.. in fact, i am not. 
yes, aku mmg jeles tgk kwn2 aku yg dah berumah tangga..but, sbnrny aku x ready lg utk sbrg commitment yg mcm tu..
tp kalau dah smpai jodoh, aku terima je..haha
kita hanya mampu merancang, tp Allah yg tentukan segalanya kan.
apepn focus skrg, nak habiskan degree dlu..
aku rs skrg masanye utk aku pk kan pasal diri sndri je.. x yah dah pk pasal nk jg prasaan org lain..

Jom Menyanyi bersama-sama saya! hehehe

Hati Yang Kau Sakiti

jangan pernah katakan bahwa
cintamu hanya untukku
karna kini kau telah membaginya

* maafkan bila memang kini
harus kutinggalkan dirimu
karna hatiku selalu kau lukai
** tak ada lagi yang bisa ku lakukan tanpamu
ku hanya bisa mengatakan apa yang ku rasa

ku menangis membayangkan
betapa kejamnya dirimu atas diriku
kau duakan cinta ini
kau pergi bersamanya
ku menangis melepaskan
kepergian dirimu dari sisi hidupku
harus slalu kau tahu
aku lah hati yang telah kau sakiti

   repeat *, **
repeat reff

ku menangis
harus slalu kau tahu
aku lah hati yang telah kau sakiti

Dah? sonok x? ok..next time kita nyanyi sesame lagi ek..hahah =p